Meet our Leo sister, Vira Talisa, our bossanova queen with a sunny personality and super laid back attitude. Multitalented with a vibrant personality, her music and artworks is a ray of sunshine. Although known for her music, she has some secret talents up her sleeves, her illustrations are a life of its own. Today we had the opportunity to share her life at home at her most comfortable, and a way to inspire us to love being at home and who knows, pick up some new hobbies ourselves.
If you are a woman in Indonesia, chances are you know who Raden Adjeng Kartini is. Born in an aristocratic family, she is an open-minded intellect who advocates for women's education, a writer, and is a heroine that fights for indigenous women's rights and equality. Through her letters sent to her family and friends, she gave us an insight of a deeply critical and strong willed personality. Never shy about how she feels, she works hard for the collective good. These characteristics are timeless no matter what age, and I can see many resemblance of a modern Kartini in our muse today, Ibu Ria Juwita. ...