Jenggala Vol. II: Ruang Hidup
Ruang: Room, space,Hidup: Live, Life
The saying ‘there’s always room for life’ doesn’t exist if we don’t make room for life. Life refers to the micro and macro systems of this universe. From the vast biodiversity of Indonesia’s lush jungles into the rooms we create in our lives have the same impact. There is no way to save the ecosystem if we don’t change our lives first. In order for us to have a future we have to consciously create a future from the present, to be conscious of now.
Space is a needed but often forgotten aspect in life, we need space to think, reflect, and grow. Like the biodiversity in Kampar peninsula, the best way for them to thrive is to be left to flourish on their own. To be given space and time. A journey of creating space is inwards also outwards, our living space is a manifestation of how we feel on the inside, as we make conscious decisions in our consumption we are allowing personal growth and development as well appreciation to the life intertwined with ours.
Asia Pacific Rayon
Asia Pacific Rayon is the first integrated viscose rayon producer in Asia. Located in Pangkalan Kerinci, Riau, the company uses the latest production technology to produce high-quality rayon to meet textile needs. APR is committed to becoming a leading viscose rayon producer with the principles of sustainability, transparency and operational efficiency, serves the interests of the community and the country, and provides value to customers. APR is part of the RGE (Royal Golden Eagle) group of resource-based manufacturing companies. Sustainability is fundamental to APR. The APR Sustainability Policy, updated in September 2020, includes additional commitments on pulp sourcing and clean manufacturing.
Restorasi Ekosistem Riau
Restorasi Ekosistem Riau (RER) is a pioneering private sector-led collaborative project to restore and conserve ecologically important high conservation areas on Indonesia’s Kampar Peninsula and Padang Island in the Province of Riau, Sumatra.
In 2020, RER has recorded 823 species of animals and plants including 76 mammal species, 308 bird species, 101 species of amphibians and reptiles, and 192 species of plants. Many of these are of conservation concern, with 66 listed on the IUCN Red List as being Vulnerable (39), Endangered (17) or Critically Endangered (10). It provides refuge to the rare Sunda Pangolin, the magnificent Sumatran Tiger and a wide range of Kingfisher species.
The use of uprooted seedlings involves carefully removing individual tree seedlings from the forest floor and placing them in planting bags with soil, to be maintained in a nursery. These seedlings are taken from locations in the forest where abundant seedlings exist, with the intention to plant them in a different location where few trees exist. Collection of tree seeds is dependent on seed production of various trees which is seasonal, sporadic, and varies annually.
Installation and Pop Up Store
Open for Public:
1-31 October 2021
Monday to Friday, 09:00-18:00
Jakarta Fashion Hub
Jl. Teluk Betung No.33, RT.4/RW.1, Kb. Melati,
Kecamatan Tanah Abang, Kota Jakarta Pusat
RSVP +628111656521
Space & Interior: Studio Se-Na
Photography: ILMN Visual; RIOP
Supported by: Jakarta Fashion Hub & Restorasi Ekosistem Riau