Jazmine Wilson, our go-to stylist living in the paradise in Bali talks to us about her day-to-day. What inspires her and what she learned in this pandemic. From finding little treasures around her house to reminciscing of what she misses most in the pandemic, it has been a journey of self-discovery.
Tell us about the photos, why do you choose these spots?
Getting my daily dose of vitamin D around Sanur near where I live. I haven’t been able to travel abroad that much because of the pandemic but because of that I learn to appreciate where I live and enjoy it to the fullest. Even though I was born and raised in Bali, there are so many places I haven’t been able to visit. This island is full of hidden gems to experience. Being mindful is to be aware and grateful for our everyday surroundings. Realizing that the places we pass everyday is beautiful. You don’t have to travel to feel peaceful, sometimes it’s better to be excited in small things. Good weather, clear blue sky, seeing children play kites by the rice fields, are life’s simple pleasures. Today I saw a huge tree being cut down, I thought it was beautiful yet sad so I went there and took some pictures, as a memory of it being a majestic tree.
What about beaches do you like?
I love going to the beach because anyone can just have a good relaxing time at the beach. My most favorite ones are the beaches east of Bali, Virgin Beach, Biastugel Beach, Saba beach and of course Sanur beach.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I do lots of things on my spare time but recently I chose to go for a dip on the beach with my dogs. Our oldest dog, Rocky, turns 15 this years and he was paralyzed. He can only walk with his front feet so I always take him swimming as a form of therapy. It has helped tremendously with his condition and he was able to stand up for a good 10 seconds after swimming, he is quite the fighter.
If you can travel anywhere on earth right now where would it be?
My grandma’s house in Cirebon, because I miss my grandparents dearly and of course I miss seeing my grandma cook in her kitchen. Her food taste amazing as always but it’s always such a warm feeling to see her cook. It is inspiring to see her doing what she loves most. My grandma cooking for hours for her family is the purest form of dedication and love that has ever existed.
How do you stay mindful day to day?
I stay mindful by being present and that’s what I have been trying to practice recently. I tend to overthink and get stuck in my own head sometimes, so being off the social media and my phone helps me a lot in being present. Most of the time, things are not as bad as it seems. Being off technology forces me to pay attention to my actual surroundings, it keeps me grounded and grateful.
How does your imagination play a part in your life?
Imagination keeps me sane, it is the core of transformation. People who dare to imagine are the ones who are going to change the world. All ideas start with imagination because it is the most freeing thing. I am always inspired by the pure imagination of little kids. Their pure souls makes their imagination so freeing, so limitless. The real world can get boring and it’s up to your imagination to bring a little fun in life.
What’s going on in Bali?
Early in the pandemic, Bali was hit very badly. Shops closed, people lost their jobs, and it was empty streets everywhere. But Bali is an island full of creative people, we recover day by day. The pandemic challenged our old habits and brought new perspectives into our lives. We the locals support each other right now and we survive and thriving doing our own thing collectively.
Mantra that help you get through hard times
I don’t have any specific mantras but there’s one motivational quote that stuck with me until today. It says “If you can’t beat fear, do it scared.” and i really live by those words. I think young people get scared pretty easily especially when we are chasing our dreams. Maybe its because of our lack of experience, or maybe people tend to think that we don’t know anything because we’re young. But i believe that young people have what it takes. It is because we are still young so we have all the time in this world to learn and keep learning. Yes we are going to fall or fail in that process, but we can always try and try again. For me success is NOT about the end goal, it is all about the journey to that goal. The process. Because process humbles us. There’s dedication, hard work, passion and most importantly love. It is what process is all about. Do all things with your heart and the process will be very enjoyable. It is all about the ride baby!