“We are a sleep deprived society.”
Dua Studio consists of Dimas Satria and Ardy Hartono. A Jakarta & Bandung based architecture and design studio. After finishing their studies in DIA - Bauhaus Dessau in 2015, Dimas Satria and Ardy Hartono try to begin their small steps in architecture practice. This architecture and design studio loves the process and exploration in ideas and concept, to create a rich space and strong character.
The process started with questions:
How we fall asleep?
How do we stay asleep?
How do our bodies and mind consociate while we sleep? So on and so forth.
When the idea of using materials that are already available from Sulla and IMAJI Studio came to surface, the questions evolved into finding ways to entwine various types of fabrics and its colors, textures, and quantity, into one synchronized story that responds best to those questions. The fabrics were arranged in a manner that each one is partially layered with another, creating in-between spaces that are rich with tactility and the characteristic of the fabrics themselves, or stand-alone, both giving a chance for one to focus on the space and/or the self.
Sound Ambient
Prabumi is a project created by Muktito Adhitya (musician, producer, and sound designer) who grew up in Jakarta, Indonesia. In the middle of his career, he further explores his music by travelling across Indonesia to learn of nature and the country’s traditional music. Amazed by the sound of nature, he decided to combine it with his aesthetic of dance music and world traditional musical instruments. Tito played live sets and DJ sets across Asia and Prabumi itself has become a movement that aims to reunite and remind people that we are one, without exceptions, equal beings, expressed through music.
There are three aspects that reciprocates from the artistry established by Sulla Home and IMAJI Studio.
The sound crafted by Prabumi is a response through the process, energy, and creation of each collaborators uniting in this exhibition. His ambient music named ‘Rasa’ is manifestation of a calm sway from gamelan (a traditional musical instrument), a natural comfortable tone, and a pure work of art.
Visual Experience
Ivan Reyhan is an interdisciplinary visual artist that works mainly with motion graphics and multimedia as its medium. Collaborative and adaptive in nature, his works are often responsive to other’s interpretation of art. He often played a huge role in theatrical works, live concerts, and dynamic performing arts.
Dwelled in every mankind, Reyhan interprets MIBOSO into three different colors from a late afternoon sky fusing into white as a symbol of human balance. An intimate yet seamless visualisation aspires to convey calm & peacefulness is merged with the play of light dynamics and minimalist colors.
Fishtank Theory is a graphic design-based creative practitioner from Jakarta. For them, process is like a ‘playground’: it is what it is, it’s fun, and yet challenging at the same time. This thought process is what creates our visual language.
We were drawn to collaborate with Sulla Home and IMAJI Studio to explore this theme of keeping the mind, body, and soul balanced through rest. We shifted our creative process on the word ‘sleep’. Our visual language is inspired by the resting human body, with colors that imply on rest, the breathing pattern, and visualizations that your eyes see when shifting from awake to asleep.