#imajizerowaste: DIY Online Workshops

Upcycle waste fabric into your own DIY Face Mask at the comfort of your own home with IMAJI Studio🌱

IMAJI Studio have teamed up with Traveloka Experience to provide online workshop to teach you a super easy step by step in making your own fabric mask at home as part of the initiative in #imajizerowaste to minimize and upcycle any waste fabric from production. 

This workshop is suitable for beginners and those who are looking for a new hobby. You will receive a sewing kit, IMAJI Studio waste fabric, and the elastic bands sent to your house prior to the workshop.

Sewing machines are optional, those who have one at home can use them too. You will need to prepare pins and a good pair of scissors for the workshop. 

Our session run every Sunday afternoon from 15:00-17:00 and you can grab the slot for early bird discount in the link below:

Upcycling Waste Fabric: DIY Face Mask with IMAJI Studio

Stay safe, stay inspired, stay #homewithimaji 


Written by Imaji Studio